
Mortgagees Additional Perils Insurance

The Lender’s interest can be put in jeopardy following a major pollution event. Whilst Protection and Indemnity Insurance (P&I) provides significant cover, the Lender is still exposed to the risk of loss of their collateral should this initial cover prove inadequate.

How it works

Mortgagee’s Additional Perils Pollution Insurance (MAAP) provides the Mortgagee with protection:

  • Against the arrest of a mortgaged vessel or the seizure of hull claims proceeds following a P&I Peril where the owner’s insured limit of liability is insufficient.
  • For amounts in excess of the current limit of indemnity provided by the International Group of P&I Insurers (currently up to USD 1 Billion per vessel).  
  • Where a responsible jurisdiction seizes a vessel as a contribution towards costs or the amount of any judgement.

Cover can be arranged for up to 120% of the outstanding loan on the vessel and a Policy can be taken on a specific basis or, more usually, for a portfolio of financed assets.

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Why Lockton Edge 

Mortgagees Additional Perils Insurance


Dependent on spread of risk and trading patterns
Ship finance institutions for vessels trading – in particular to the United States
Less than 7 days to market
Nil Self Retention
Lloyd's, Scandinavia

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