
Non Honouring of Refund Guarantee Insurance

Covers the inability to collect stage payments from yard or guaranteeing bank following yard insolvency or inability to complete constructions.

How it works

In the event of default triggering cancellation as defined in the building contract – upheld by a competent court or arbitration where refund guarantor subsequently does not respond – this insurance pays after an agreed waiting period (e.g. 180 days).

The cover can be extended to include credit and political risks (not included in price range).

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Why Lockton Edge 

Non Honouring of Refund Guarantee Insurance


Price range of 1 - 2.5%
Buyers of vessels where large instalments are paid in ahead of delivery
Minimum 60 days to market
Normally 5-10% co-insurance
*and where there are questions related to the Refund Guarantor's ability to pay, aggregation of exposures on the hands of the Refund Guarantor, or an intolerable risk to your balance sheet.

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Non Honouring of Refund Guarantee Insurance

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Non Honouring of Refund Guarantee Insurance

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National Marine Insurance convention 2023

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